The Institute for Sciences of societies and Sustainable Development (ISSDD) Knowledge, sustainability, progress (development)

We Care About Giving

Contact Information


DEME, Watu Village, Kiraka Sub County,

Founded in 2021, Democratic Republic of Congo. The Institute for Sciences of societies and Sustainable Development (ISSDD) is a science - based political and non-profit organization headquartered in Deme, Watu Village, Kiraka Sub County, Logo-Doka County in the Territory of Faradje, Province of Haut Uélé, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Through this site, we aim to inform our members about upcoming events and opportunities, and educate the general public about what ISSDD is and does.


ISSDD is challenging ignorance to forge better future alongside vulnerable populations.


The ISSDD works to develop sustainable agriculture and natural resources management, gender equality, new technologies, social peace, and any other area related to the major societal issues in the Republic of Congo and globally for food security and human well-being

Core Values

ISSDD is committed to its mission and goals and works tirelessly to achieve them. It is accountable to its donors, partners, and beneficiaries for the use of its resources, as well as for its results and impact. It is transparent about its operations, finances, and decision-making processes to build stakeholder trust. ISSDD fosters collaboration with other organizations, stakeholders, and communities to maximize its impact and works with diversity, equity, and the environment in all its activities.

Purpose & Objectives

The Institute for Sciences of societies and Sustainable Development (ISSDD) promotes research-action (or research-development) and innovation (independently or in partnership) with an emphasis on empirical studies and surveys focused on solving the challenges identified among among local socioecological groups by development or investment stakeholders

Meetings and Events

About the Latest Event

We shall carry out an exercise tailored towards reduction of hunger in the coimmunity


Nulla vel viverra auctorleo magna sodales felis, quis malesuada nibh odio ut

Sandra Wood,

anything can be a testimonial here

Patrick Pool,

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